An Unbelievable Trip

This group came in October, which is my favourite month of the year for wingshooting. They are a very particular group since it is their first time in Argentina and in our luxurious Lodge, Estancia La Paz.

We recommend our guests using guns like Benelli Montefeltro cal 20 and our new units from Beretta 400, as well as Beretta Silver Pigeons Over and Under, and Beretta 391, since those are really light and with a high performance when you shoot. These are really fast shotguns for shooting as many doves as we have here on our fields.  

Just in case you did not know, we are located in northern Cordoba, place that has many fields and highlands filled with doves. In our case, we like taking our guests to the lower part of this zone, since doves are flying close to the rivers and that works great for us.

So, as I mentioned before, I really like October because it’s the most recommended month for wingshooting. The weather is amazing, doves are everywhere, everything is perfect.

Even though this year the corn harvest was a bit delayed, and doves stayed a little longer in the hills, they are already nesting on a particular zone that is strategic for dove shooting, with some inner roads that make everything easier.

We also count on a professional field staff that is always taking care of your needs, making your trip an amazing experience.

Our guests Paul, Michael, Brad, and Danny choose to stay in one of our favourite Lodges; Estancia La Paz.

This places is a traditional estancia that exisists since the nineteenth century, and looms large in Argentina’s history, as it was the place chosen by the President Julio A. Roca to spend his days off. Through this legacy, Pueblo Estancia La Paz, became a unique development that combines history, nature, and style.

Nestled in the heart of the Sierras Chicas in Cordoba, Argentina, Estancia La Paz is conceived as the best urban accommodations available, featuring comfort and services offered by luxury hotels.

This beautiful Estancia rests on 501 hectares, of which 268 are parks and nature reserves, and the remaining 232 devoted to a Residential Area.

Another thing that is worth mentioning, is lunch time at the field. Our cheff prepared some doves in red wine with sauted vegetables, dove tacos with Tabaco sause and, of course, as a main dish he made traditional Argentinean Asado with many different cuts of meat, always accompained with red Malbec wine from such great wineries as the ones Argentina has.

After three days of non-stopping wingshooting action, our new friends, before leaving the country, decided to do a city tour around Cordoba City, a great option to get to know this beautiful and full of history province. 

We hope to see you guys again soon.

Martin Andrada

Head Guide

Pointer Outfitters

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