Campfire experts

A couple of weeks ago we have been visited by some of our friends from the campfire and we have had a great time hunting doves in Cordoba. That weekend we had 14 people hunting with us. It was a busy time, but….

But it was amazing! We have done some dove hunt in a roosting area, we have hunted in an amazing feed lot, and we had the chance to shoot much more than we were expecting. This early 2015 was complicated for most of the outfitters, but so far for us was very good, after working hard on searching for birds we have had the chance to shoot good volumes of doves and also some amazing pigeons.

Pigeons Hunt

Argentina is well known for the quality of its wing shooting options and the massive volume of doves; but it is also famous for the amazing pigeon hunts that guests can enjoy in the best regions of Argentina, such as the north of the province of Córdoba, San Luis province or the east of the province of Salta. Pigeons are more evasive than regular eared doves. They can see hunters from a further distance than doves, and if they notice a reflex in your gun or a movement, they will probably fly away. After searching for a couple of days we were able to get some good hunts in a feed lot with good volume of birds.

Doves hunt 

Like always, it was amazing. It is easy to understand why Cordoba is the world capital of dove hunting; and we are one of the few outfitters able to provide great dove hunts with the best hunting experience. Eared Dove shooting is one of the most challenging and exciting shooting programs around the world. Dove shooting in Cordoba is as well known as Driven Pheasant shooting in the UK, duck shooting in Manitoba, Upland Pheasant in Dakota, or Quail hunting in Georgia.

John Allman and his group had been waiting for this hunt for many months, for some of them would be the first time wing shooting in Argentina. At the same time there was another two groups that were dove hunting with us in Cordoba and one in San Javier; and we were able to have a great time. We would like to share some pictures with you in this report and one great video that we have done for them.

We hope they will spread the word in the north east of US of what we are doing in Cordoba so we can have more guests having fun with us. This is a trip of a life time and we work to make it hassle free for everybody. 

Till next time! My best!

Pablo Aguilo


Pointer Outfitters

From our first email encounter with the folks at Pointer Wing Shooting, everything was in place for a good trip.  The preliminary info they provided to help us prepare for the trip was helpful and accurate.  Once we met in person on the ground everything else fell into place.  Travel help from BA to Cordoba and back was easy.  And, the way the folks at Pointer Wing Shooting took care of us on a day-today basis left nothing to chance.  Simply put, they make it easy to have a great time....

Wes wallace

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