The best pigeons ever

Our good friend Luis Moreno had made us a challenge. He had requested us if we will be able to take him shooting big volume pigeons one day in his next trip to La Loma Lodge in Cordoba. And of course we have said we will do our best to meet his expectations, his only condition was: “be ready for a long drive if it is necessary”.

We have scout and search for pigeons for more than 10 days in different areas around north, north east and north west Cordoba, we had probably made more than 4 thousand miles searching for pigeons and checking new areas, and it is true that if you wake up early and work hard God will help you.

We were close to surrender and Martin told me: “Paul, we have an area further north that we should check, lets take 2 more days” and he did it.

I was not able to check the field personally but I trust and have confidence in Martin and Federico 100%. They had told me, they found a field that was amazing, and we could do one of the best pigeon hunts ever.

And the day of truth arrived, and I wish them good luck when they left La Loma Lodge to go to the field. The drive was long, but what a surprise when they had made the limits in less than 2 hours, and then after lunch in the field they had the chance to shoot some doves in the same area.

Pigeons had a different behavior than doves, they are more spooky and tough to hit. We should have effective shots, because some leather ammunitions will not impact properly on them. Decoys help a lot and make it more fun, it is amazing how the robot ducks works, they are magnetic for the pigeons when they see them; and it is very important to have a good blind were we can cover ourselves to avoid be seen by them. 

The pigeon hunt was one of the best ever, and Luis and our friends from Laredo had special thanks to us. It was one of the best trip ever for them and they enjoyed our historical lodge much more than the ones they have been before. “It is all about the people” said Luis and we agree. 

We know it is not going to be easy to make it happen again but we will accept the challenge any time. We love hunting and we love challenges!

Till next time

Pablo Aguilo


Pointer Outfitters


Thank you for everything. It was an amazing experience. The staff everything was like no other. 

Thank you

Jerry Vasquez

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