Great Friends For a Great Trip

I met this group at the airport. They are such a nice group of people I was so lucky to be able to work for them. We drove straight to the field and had an amazing hunting day.

Even though we like telling fun stories of each and every day of hunting from all the friends that come hunting with us, on this opportunity, I would like to tell you about the last day of hunting, which not many people talk about. That last day you give it all even you might feel a bit tired. 

You hardly think about that, actually, when you’re on the blinds laughing and having fun with you friends, family or whoever you decide to go on this adventure with.

So, on this last day, this friends were as happy and excited as the first day. I picked them up from the lodge up at 7 am and we drove to the field. The morning was slow, they took their time with their coffee since the night before was all about having fun at the lodge.

On this day, they asked me to place them on different blinds so they could hunt each one alone, since the past days they were  hunting in pairs, and having small shooting competitions between them and the field assistants. That’s, in my experience, the best time at the field! 

Lunch time was here. For every group that comes hunting with us, we like setting up a tent and preparing the famous Argentinian barbecue. You will immensely enjoy the cuts of meat prepared, accompanied by our well known Malbec wines. We have two options as far as red wine is concerned, Malbec and Cabernet Sauvignon, which are the perfect to pair the meat served in the field.

After a nap on the hammocks, they were ready to star the afternoon hunt of this day.

This was a very good day! They are really happy. The afternoon was incredible, they were just a little bit tired, but were able to enjoy the whole experience.

All in all, these gentlemen really enjoyed their hunting trip in Argentina and they have promised to come back. We hope they do because we really appreciate to have people like this with us!

You should be the next one!

Julian Cheble

Head Guide

Translation by Victoria Fallótico

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