Hunting Report

A new season has just begun at San Javier Lodge. But before it has, we improved the lodge with many changes: we arranged a new menu with the chef, selected new wines and painted the entire lodge, among other things. After all these pre-season preparations, we had our first group of duck hunting season, and until today, more than 30 hunters have enjoyed our hunting experience.

When it comes to hunting, this is a very special year for ducks. It has rained so much that there is water everywhere; from Buenos Aires province, where there are paddocks entirely flooded to other provinces such as Santa Fe which is in between rivers and streams. This enlargement in the amount of water on the land has caused ducks to move everywhere.

On the other hand, 2014 has been a year of high temperatures. In Cordoba the first frost was in June 5th. This has greatly affected ducks, since in the province of Santa Fe, the migration started at the end of the month.  The first ducks were seen at the end of the last week of May.  Therefore, we had to drive long distances (approximately a 90-minute drive) to hunt a good number of ducks. Luckily, the good news is that the weather is completely changing and prospects are very encouraging.

For this new season we bought 15 brand new camouflage waders. All our customers wore our Cabela’s 5mm Neostretch waders and we have got very good feedback.  We also recondition our decoys and prepare everything for an excellent duck hunting season; the pre-season scouting was met with a lot of effort but with very good results.

Partridge (perdiz) hunting has left a mark and dogs have worked very well. We tried the training collar with our Pointer puppy, Luna. She has been trained with a Sportdog collar and she is really surprising everyone with her skills, even her guide was left open-mouthed. In small paddocks with low pasture and slow steps, Tom and Terry got a really good number of partridges one morning before lunch.

Doves have impressed all our clients, in both, Cordoba and Santa Fe. The program worked very well and our multimedia team has done a magnificent job to reflect this. Our dove-hunt lovers friends: Tommy, the gun guy Toni, our good friend Tommy Jr, the grandiloquent Ron, the silent Terry, the experienced Tom and even the very friendly Carrie, they all shot over 500 shots in just one hour one afternoon. Meanwhile, Beau and his group spent a great weekend dove shooting too.

About gauge, the preference remains in the 20 caliber. There seems to be more and more shooters leaving the 12 gauge for duck hunting. I think we will continue to see this trend in the future. The next time you shoot with us, you are invited to try different gauges. You will be surprised by the speed and effectiveness of the 20 gauge.

Finally, dorado fly-fishing at San Javier River was the cherry on the top. This river gave us two beautiful “dorados” of 10 and 12 pounds during a fishing afternoon. Toni and Jacoby are the ones who caught them; both of them are very skillful fishermen. At our fishing programs, our customers usually leave with big smiles and rarely empty handed. Besides the fishing, the place is so full of wildlife and vegetation that it has a contagious effect on all of us. It is a wonderful location for fly fishing and in our clients words: “the experience is truly satisfying and  it really exceeded my expectations”.

Graciela, Federico and Marcos are in charge of the menus and courses. Some of the food we serve is especially elaborated with our daily hunts: ducks, doves and also partridge which are always accompanied by the most exquisite Malbec wines in the market such as “Clos de los 7”, “Monte Cepas”, “Luigi Bosca” and many others. We invite you to enjoy the tasty dorado or “surubí” that are in the area and delight our guests every time they come.

The season started very well in Santa Fe. Our guides (Fabian, Fede and I) are now ready for new guests and friends. Hope you are the next one to live this amazing hunting experience.

We hope to see you soon,

Martin Andrada

Pointer Wingshooting 

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