Serenity and Fun - Las Rosas and Cordoba

Sharing the love for wingshooting it's a great excuse to travel to Argentina with your significant other...

Dana and Ross arrived early in the morning of August 4th, at the height of duck season in Buenos Aires. They stayed at Las Rosas lodge, a cozy and charming family ranch in Las Flores. 

After lunch, they relaxed and got some rest before going for an afternoon hunt. At around 3 in the afternoon, we headed to the field. The afternoon was rather warm, and ducks don’t move around as much in warm weather as they do in the cold, so hunters must wait or figure out when they are moving and be ready to hunt during those times. We decided to wait, and we so we did for around 45 minutes, until they began to fly. Ross and Dana reached the daily limit within minutes, they were great hunters! They took a loot pf pictures until it was time to get back to the lodge. The chef was waiting for them with the traditional picada, cold cuts of deli meats and cheese, and cold beer which they enjoyed until dinner was ready.

It was 6 o’clock in the morning of their second day and we were already driving to the field to do some good waterfowl hunt. This time, we went to the island: we set the camp and the hunting began. Both Dana and Ross and experienced hunters and it’s always a pleasure to received guests as passionate for wingshooting as they were. 

On their third and last day, we left the lodge earlier than the day before to be able to shoot some more birds. During their stay, ducks were not moving as the used to due to the warmer weather we had in August. 

We went to the island and waited for a while until ducks took flight… The hunt was spectacular! Dana and Ross reached their daily limit in 20 minutes! It was a whole record! They took some more pictures before heading back to the lodge. They had lunch and we drove them to the airport. This time, they were travelling to Córdoba, where Filo, their field guide, was waiting to welcome them and do some dove hunting.

Their flight landed at around 6 in the afternoon and we took them straight to the lodge. This time in Córdoba they stayed at Agua Las Piedras lodge, which is a beautiful and private lodge overlooking a breathtaking view of the countryside, located in the small town of Totoral city. 

The following morning, after Dana and Ross got some rest, we drove them to the lowlands, in the Jesús María area. Both of them were still tired from the hunting in Buenos Aires, so they took it easy that first morning and didn’t shoot many boxes. 

At lunchtime, we went back to the camp where the chef was waiting them with the traditional Argentine asado. They also got to meet a different group who was hunting on the same field, so they all had lunch together. 

Afterwards, Dana took a nap in the hammocks, while Ross chatted with Thomas, Justin and Patsy, the hunters from the other group. They got along really well that they decided to hunt together in the afternoon. Unfortunately, it was getting windy and the wind was blowing harder and harder that we had to stop the hunting and get back to the lodge a bit earlier than planned.

On their second day, Dana and Ross preferred to sleep in and go to the field a while before lunch. In the afternoon, they decided to join the other group. They shared anecdotes and experiences from past hunting trips around the world.

Their third day was a good day! We took them to Santa Rosa de Río Primero, a small town in the center-northeast of the province, at around one hour and twenty minutes away from the lodge. As we were getting to the field, they were already excited because they could already see the thousands of doves flying around. Though they were still a bit tired, they were both willing to shoot 1000 doves. They did that on their previous trip with us, and they were eager to achieve that one more time. By lunch time, Dana and Ross had already shot 500 doves each, which meant they were closer to their goal! 

After almost two hours, Ross did it! He got the 1000 doves! 

Dana, on the other hand, was really tired and was a few doves down. All the field guides and assistants began cheering for her and, by the end of the afternoon, she managed to shoot a total of 1006 doves! It was so much fun, and it was a fantastic day!

On their last day, we went back to the roost in the lowlands. Dana and Ross wanted to share their last morning with Thomas’ group and their field assistants. They were relaxed and happy to have achieved their goal and shared another great experience with the Pointer team!

And you… would you like to be the next one?

Gabriel Moyano – Field Guide

Federico Gervasoni – Field Guide

Pointer Outfitters Argentina

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