Amazing Hunting Experience

There aren’t many places in the world that have the bird quality as Argentina does. Even better, there aren’t many places in the world where you could find multiple birds species in season. Our Mixed Bag program offers the best of three different activities. It includes the challenging shooting of duck, the large volume shooting of dove, and the unique perdiz hunt.

June 4th - 08:15 am. Ready for new adventures, a new group of hunters arrived in Santa Fe at San Javier Lodge. Together with Rhett, the team leader, we received Scott, Ford, Matthew, Christopher, Jack, Michael, Dustin and Thomas. 

03:00 pm. After a hearty lunch, the hunting began! They wanted to do duck hunting first, so we headed to a rice field 5 minutes away from the lodge. They got on groups of 3, reaching their duck limit rapidly. Their first day was a success!

June 5th - 06:45 am. After a light breakfast, they went straight to the same rice field than the day before. They got to their duck limit again within only 30 minutes! So, as it was still quite early, they decided to head back to the lodge to have some rest. 

03:00 pm. After some delicious lunch, they wanted to switch things up a bit, so we organized some dove hunting instead. We headed to a new field where we were welcomed with a tremendous amount of birds! Needles to say they were ecstatic! 

June 6th – 06:00 am. June 6th marked their third hunting day. This time,  6 hunters decided to go to the river and duck hunt, while the remaining 3 went straight to the field form some dove hunting. After they have reached theiy duck limit, they traded places. 

03:00 pm. After lunch at the lodge, we went all back together to the field for some dove hunting fun!

June 7th - 07:00 am. Before the sun came out we were already duck hunting! We used the same system as the day before: 6 hunters headed to the island and do duck hunting, and 3 hunters went to the field; and then traded places again. We stopped for a while during that morning to watch the beautiful sunrise. 

04:00 pm. After having lunch a little later than usual, they decided to skip nap time and go to the field instead. We have scouted a new field, so we decided to give it a try. We drove the group for 45 minutes until we arrived. The amount of birds was hard to believe! Scott and Matt were really happy, and we have surpassed their expectations! 

June 8th – 08: 00 am. On their last day here with us, 6 of the hunters in the group decided to enjoy one last morning hunt, while the remaining 3 decided to stay and relax at the lodge before flying back home. 


And you, would you like to be the next one?

Francisco Visintini

Field Assistant

Pointer Outfitters Argentina


Edited by Agustina Ortubia

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