Duck Hunt Morning

We would like to talk today about our great duck hunt experience with Todd and Robert.

Let’s talk about the 3rd morning when we woke up early, like 4:30 am for a nice breakfast with black coffee and scrambled eggs with bacon. It was not easy to get out of bed, but thinking about shooting that rice field that Fabian was talking about sound exiting. Martin was the first one to be awake and he was already doing something in his computer when I said good morning.

We knew we will be driving 15 to 20 minutes to go to the field, and because of the rain the day before we were expecting an extremely moody road. We have checked all gear before departure at 5:15 am. We choose 2 shotguns semi auto Beretta 20 gauge and some camouflage waders. We have checked our safety equipment like ear plugs and some glasses for protection, and we decided to carry a mosquito repellent with us, just in case. 

It was strange, but after the rain, instead of getting colder as we were expecting, it was still kind of cool. We had our rain coats with us just in case.

The driving was not bad but some parts we had difficult driving in the moody roads. The 4 wheel drive trucks had helped us a lot. We were in two Toyota diesel trucks that work amazing for these hunting trips. 

Chela had a blind organize and the decoys in the water when we arrive. Fabian and Martin have checked the shotguns, oil them and gave some boxes of shells to our guest. After the safety speech Chela indicated our guest the direction to their shooting spot. It was still dark when Robert and Todd left the pick up trucks and walked into the rice field. We could listen them walking in the water.

With the first light of the morning, birds start moving around, and we were able to saw ducks flying mostly from one direction, and coming to the flooded rice field; when the first ducks came close by to our friends blind, we had listen 5 shoots and saw two birds fall down. It was only a deep silence in between the shoots and we were drinking mate like 300 yards from our friends blind, and making bets around dead birds, when they were trying to land close by to our decoys. Robert had said after the hunt, that it was a lot of fun, and he was happy because their waders were dry. They shoot the 30 ducks per person limit in about an hour and 20 minutes.

We mostly got Silver Teal, Speckled Teal, Ringed Teal and Cinnamon Teal in between others; and couple of Whistling Duck and Brazilian Duck. We felt satisfy with our morning hunt, because Tood that have been to Argentina more that 20 years said the hunt and the service was great, and that we exceeded his expectations with our attentive help and friendship. He said that to be waiting for them with warm white towels was a nice touch and they open a beer, because somewhere was already 10 pm at night and they should be enjoying a cold Quilmes.

After we have had all our equipment and gear set up in the back of the pick up truck, we were ready to go. By 10 am we were having a coffee at the lodge, chill out in the living room and talking about hunting stories.  

Pablo Aguilo
Pointer Wingshooting

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