Crazy Josh is Back For All the Ducks

This week we have received the visit of Josh, his wife Kaitlyn and Wayne who came from Dallas. They are good friends of the house, they have been hunting with us in different lodges but this time is special for Josh, it would be his first time doing big volume doves.

They arrived on a Monday morning, like at 7.30 and one of our guides, Gabriel, was there at the airport, waiting at the McDonalds, I think everybody knows what that is when we say we’ll wait for you at this place. So after getting all the luggage in the truck and getting to the pick up truck and doing the drive to the lodge, 70 miles to Las Rosas Lodge, Pablo would be waiting for us with Lucas, Leo, Javi, and Marcos. All the staff and guides who would take them hunting. And also Alfredo and Rosa, the couple who take care of the place during the year and help us during the season. They were also there waiting for the group to arrive. They arrived just in time for lunch. They were abit delayed by a car accident on the road. After their arrival we had a great Argentine meal where we remembered some stories from the last time Josh and Wayne were in Argentina. 

Josh is famous because of his crazy day in one of our fields in Cordoba. After drinking some beers he called someone “Callate perro!!!”  thinking that he was being very nice and polite….we had to explain to him that he was rude…you know, you can’t say “shut up, dog” (literal translation of what he had said!) to a person! Just for a second try to be in Josh shoes…LOL, he must have been very embarrassed but it was hilarious for the rest of us. Since that day, every time Josh sees a dog he goes “callate, perro!” He thinks he’s fluent is Spanish when he says this. But…we think he should learn a few more words before considering himself fluent. You know what we mean??? LOL

Now, it’s cold. But no frozen-fingers-cold like a couple of weeks ago. The wind and the clouds made the birds fly very nice. The wind changed a couple of times making the birds come to the blind in different directions, and probably from unexpected directions! We got an amazing time, sometimes getting even 6 ducks at the same time in the blind, falling down. This guys know what they are doing. When they aim at a duck they know they have it. I would say 60 to 70 percent average on the ducks. Most of the ducks were coming from really nice angles and with a good presentation to the blind and that made it easy for everybody. It’s different when you have ducks passing through or going from one point to the other, a little high, you smoke the shells in the air and nothing happens and you feel frustrated! Here the situation was different. The guys were having the ducks kind of in slow motion were they were waiting for them.

The amazing thing with this group was that we decided to do some horseback riding and that was going to be great because we have our friend Hugo who has the best criollo breed horses and polo horses in the area. I got a beautifull place where it was easy to set the fire for a barbeque after a 2 hour horseback riding or even set the fire after the ride and the barbeque just to chill and enjoy being in Argentina. So that day we hunted in the morning. It was ducks that morning, and then a quick lunch, horse back riding and duck hunting after that again. It was a long day, not just for me but for all of us, I have to confess. Later that day we played some pool and had some fun. 

The following day we did ducks but also perdiz. We wanted to see how Josh would do, since it was the first time for him and Kaitlyn. Both did really good! It was a tough day, though. The wind was blowing, it was not easy to hit the birds. Anyway, we got enough birds to have a good session and for Josh and Kaitlyin, it was a great experience in Argentina. I think that’s something everybody has to do. One great option for people coming to Argentina is fly to Buenos Aires, stop for two or three days, come hunting with us, go back to the same airport, get a flight to Cordoba and experience big volume dove hunting at La Loma Lodge. That would be an amazing trip to do for 5 or 6 days and get the best of both worlds, the best dove hunting and the best duck hunting, and all of them just one hour from the airport. So, BE READY! We’ll be waiting for you.

Like it happens to me every time I got to say goodbye to Josh and Wayne, and this time also Kaitly. It’s sad. It’s people we like. It’s hard to say good bye! It’s good that they come visit us frequently. I know I’m going to visit Wayne very soon. In two months we’re going to be doing some special local missions in Cordoba through Soaring Argentina and we’re going to be very happy helping other. I also know I’m gonna see Josh in January, visit his new house in January when we go to the Dallas Safari Club. So if you’re going to be around Dallas next January, do not hesitate to go visit us in our booth in the convention. 

Josh and Wayne, thanks a lot for coming to visit us! I left you in good hands with Ignacio and Gabriel. They are going to be in charge and after all the details. Enjoy your stay in Buenos Aires and thanks again for visiting us!

You should be the next one!

Pablo Aguilo


Pointer Outfitters




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