Sneaky Bastard

Pablo: What happened to your sandwich on the first day? Jim: Pablo came this close to having his face punched! LOL Pablo: Why? Jim: He sneaky bastard... He snuck in, act like he was nobody and got a little bite of MY sandwich and almost got punched in the mouth. LOL Pablo: Wow, that was close guys!

Pablo: Here we are, this is going to be our first recorded report! What’s you name?
Jim: I’m Jim Parker. 
Pablo: Jimmy Parker is gonna be called Jimmy Carter from now on! Because the lady who does the embroideries in the caps misspelled his name! But let’s go back to what we were talking. What were you saying about Pablo???
Jim: He’s just the PR men, he doesn’t know what’s going on in this company! LOL! He has good people working for them. No no no, he doesn’t have just good people working for him, he has THE BEST PEOPLE working for him. LOL!
Pablo: What can you tell us about the people?
Jim: Pablo is a blessed man, he has the best people cause he no work. Pablo has the best people working for him! Pablo is number one! We’ve had the best time with Pablo and his wife Silvia since we came to Argentina. Gracias
Pablo: Where are we right now?
Jim: We’re out for lunch.
Pablo: What happened to your sandwich on the first day?
Jim: Pablo came this close to having his face punched! LOL
Pablo: Why?
Jim: He sneaky bastard... He snuck in, act like he was nobody and got a little bite of MY sandwich and almost got punched in the mouth. LOL

Pablo: Wow, that was close guys!

Pablo: Ray Ellis group... they look like very nice gentlemen the first five minutes you know them. They are crazy! But I don’t want to talk about that. They are really good hunters, 70% in the numbers. The problem is we don’t know what is real about those numbers!

Pablo: How many birds you got?
Jim: I have no idea! 

Pablo: How does Ray shoot? Ray is a good shoter, I make it simple, is he better than Pat? Si. Better than jimmy? Si, sorry Jimmy!

Ray, James, Dawn, Barry, William, Wilmer arrived to Cordoba airport the morning of the 22 of July. We were ready at the airport waiting for them. We knew they did not wish to go straight to the field, but instead they preferred to relax at Jesus Maria Deluxe resort for the day. And so we did, they had breakfast when they arrived, then beer, then a short nap, then a delicious lunch that was enjoyed between anecdotes and laughter. In the afternoon, wine was requested. It doesn’t get any more Argentinian than a malbec wine, right? And then, they also made use of the fantastic spa that this resort has.

So they were very relaxed for the next day. Ready to start a full day of hunting. We picked them up at the lodge and drove them to the field. The whole field staff greeted them, with all set to start hunting. After the introductions, time to start the hunt! They were shooting non stop until lunch time. Our chef had prepared our delicious and traditional ASADO, a full barbeque with all the possible meat cuts and types you can imagine. Also salads with fresh vegetables. Our chef Gabriel received well deserved compliments! After that, we invited out guests to relax in the hammocks.

In Argentina, when the hunting day is over, you never feel like you wanted to keep hunting some more. You always feel incredibly tired by the intense amount of birds even a couple of hours before we call it a day!

To finish the day off, some cold beers and music while sharing the highlights of the hunt. 

The second day started in a more relaxed atmosphere. Barry was determined to shoot over a thousand doves, and…. It was just the morning and he already had 667 birds shot down! He’s chances to achieve his goal were unlimited, with a full afternoon ahead with the best weather conditions.

One of the nights of their stay, they decided to go to have dinner in a restaurant in a nearby town. They had another chance to enjoy the delicious Argentine cuisine and wines! The next morning, no hunting for these guys, more relaxation time at the lodge. They did go to the field after lunch, to enjoy their last afternoon hunt of their trip and to say good bye to their field assistants. They hunted in pairs in each blind, to compete and then brag about their results!

What a great time they had in Argentina!

On a different note, we want to say out loud THANK YOU! Ray, James, Dawn, Barry, William, Wilmer kindly donated money to Soaring Argentina, our non profit organization to help impoverished areas of Cordoba. With the money we were able to buy a considerable amount of school supplies like pens, pencils, copybooks, rulers, erasers, scissors, glue, construction paper, even dictionaries among other school supplies! Have you seen the pictures? Go and check them in Soaring Facebook page now! In our next mission, October 2017, we’re going to take all these supplies to the schools we have been visiting during our missions. We cannot thank this group enough for their generosity.

You should be the next one!

Federico Gervasoni

Hunting Guide

Pointer Outfitters

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