Las Rosas Duck Hunt

Las Rosas Lodge in Buenos Aires was all set waiting for Allan Skruby and James Slappey. The duck season is in full swing and we were anxious to take them to the field and to experience memorable hunts!

Their flight landed in Ezeiza International Airport and there, our drivers and company representatives were waiting for them, Gabriel Moyano and me. We drove straight to the lodge, however the traffic was a bit slow and it took us a bit longer than expected to arrive and enjoy the delicious lunch our chef Lucas had prepared. 

For that very afternoon, we organized a duck hunt in a lagoon 45 minutes away from the lodge. On our way to the hunting grounds, James a very experienced hunter told us many, many of his adventures and annecdotes, from childhood and also from his latest trip to Africa. When he got out of the pick up truck, his unique Argentine experience was about to start. Despite the terrible weather that we had that day since our guests landed in Argentina, the duck hunt was amazing! They got their limits in 45 minutes and the last minutes of the hunt were enjoyed in a nice, warm sunny afternoon. A perfect hunt!

Fort he following morning, at 5,30 am they received their wake up call. Both Allan and James ejoyed their breakfast their way, bacon and scrambled eggs, coffee and some toasts. At 6.30 am we were ready to leave the lodge, wearing extra layers of warm clothes. The temperature had gone down considerably. We started our drive towards the west as the day before. This time our duck hunt was 50 minutes away from the lodge. Despite the super cold weather and the southern wind, the results were amazing again! Both hunters achieved their limits and were happy and satisfied with the results!

Once in the lodge, Allan and James had a hot shower, hot empanadas and delicious Malbec wine. For the afternoon, more ducks but closer to the lodge this time. Another success!

If the second morning had been cold, wait and read what happened the next day! It was even colder, and when we got to the lagoon the edges were frozen. This didn’t stop us from starting the hunt. 30 minutes later, James decided to leave the blind and stay inside the pick up truck. It was way too cold for him. After we turned the heating on and gave him a hot coffee, he started feeling better. This was good for Allan, who completed his limit and his friend’s too, and who also took advantage of the situation to joke about this and remind James how weak he was when it came to cold weather!

Luckily for our guests, the temperature went up and we went to a lagoon 30 minutes away from the lodge, for a different duck species. What a great time our guests had!

To prevent our guest from suffering so much from the cold, we went to a marshy área where the wáter level was not too high, therefore, it was less cold. Our guests took longer to complete the limits but at the same time they took advantage of the hours spent at the field to enjoy the scenery and native wildlife. When we went back to the lodge, Lucas, our chef was waiting for us with warm appetizers and delicious drinks.

In the afternoon we decided to return to the same place where we had been hunting in the morning, after our guest’s request. Besides, it was just 15 minutes away from the lodge, making it a very comfortable option. The results were the same as when they first hunted there. What was different this time was that our guests decided to stay for at least 20 minutes after the hunt was over to admire the scenery and take pictures. They enjoyed nature and wildlife very much.

To wrap an amazing trip to Argentina, Allan and James had the last morning hunt before their flight and it was the best of all the ones thay had had!(Their words!) The limits were met in a short time and the ducks were flying from all directions which allowed them to enjoy better and varied shooting opportunities.

You should be the next one!

Federico Silva

Hunting Guide

Pointer Outfitters

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