The Armanino Family

The Armanino family arrived to Argentina the 8th of June at midmorning. Matt, Andrew Joseph III, Dominic, Justin and Andrew Joseph were welcomed by Francisco Visintini, our company representative in charge. He drove them to San Javier Lodge where an early lunch prepared by our awesome chef was ready.

Then they could start the hunting experience straight away! Once lunch was over we decided to split our guests in two groups. One went to an area 400 meters from San Javier Lodge and the other group went to a place 1 km and a half towards the south. Both areas were fields with crops of rice, which allowed them to achieve excellent results. They used Berettas A400 Cal 12, ammunition 5.

The next day, the wake up call was at 5.30 am. Breakfast was served at 6 and after that we made our way to the hunting grounds for the day, one km towards the south of San Javier Lodge. This time, the 5 of them were in the same area but again, divided into two groups. One of two and another one of three. Both teams had a wonderful day! We made our way to the lodge were the staff had prepared delicious appetizers for our guests. 

San Javier Lodge is an Estancia is located in the north of the Santa Fe province. It is one of the best options for duck hunting in Argentina. The hunt is on the marshlands and islands of Parana River. The driving time from the airport to the lodge is one hour and thirty minutes. For those guests flying private charters, landing takes place forty minutes away from the lodge. 

The group stayed confortably waiting for lunch while spending quality time among the family members!

At about 4 pm we started the duck hunt again. 10 minutes away from the lodge, towards the north. The area was swamplands and our guests could comfortably shoot from the gravel road that took us there. That afternoon we were after one particular species of duck: the crested duck. This species return later to the marshlands so the hunting afternoon turned into a hunting evening. But our guests were having such a great time that they didn’t mind returning a bit later than usual to the lodge. 

For our guests’ third day we planned a mix of doves and perdiz. We started with the doves. An hour an fifteen minutes away from the lodge. It was early in the morning so we were going to catch the birds leaving their roosts. The doves session lasted almost 2 hours and during that time, the birds were just flying non stop. It was amazing! Great volume of doves!

Then, we continued with the perdiz hunt. Two Pointer dogs were with us, one is three years old and the other one 5. This hunting session lasted til midday and we wrapped it up with a delicious and typical Argentine lunch: asado. Tender and well seasoned loin, sausages, pork ribs, chicken and delicious, freshly made appetizers cooked with the perdices hunted in the morning. The loads of delicious Argentine meat come together with Malbec wine and sweet desserts. After such a hearty banquet, our guests had a 40 minute nap in the cots we take to the field for our guests to rest. In the afternoon, we did doves again when the birds were returning to their roosts. It was such an intense session that we decided to call it a day by 5.30 pm, before than what we usually do. 

The next day, the memories from the outstanding dove hunting from the previous day were still fresh so our guests asked us to repeat the experience. The request, however, was to go a field closer to the lodge, just 5 minutes away actually, so that all our guests would be less tired by the end of the day. That day, we hunted from 8 am until 10,30. We went back to San Javier Lodge for a hearty, warm lunch to continue with doves from 14.30 onwards. For the afternoon session we traveled to an area called Colonia Teresa were the roosts are. All our hunters hunted on the same line so that all of them could see each other. They enjoyed great volume of birds and had so much fun!

On the way back to the lodge, the Armaninos couldn’t hide the happiness from their faces. The results of the bird hunt had been amazing! 

Fort he last day, we hunted very, very early in the morning because our guests were scheduled to leave the lodge at 10 am so as to be on time at the airport. 

We hope to see this great family around soon and keep making nice memories.

You should be the next one!

Federico Silva 

Hunting Guide

Pointer Outfitters

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