Sharing the Wingshooting Passion

June is winter in Argentina so Cordoba seems like a good escape from the hot summer months from the USA. The mornings can be a bit chilly but then it warms up and our guest can enjoy beautiful days.

Our La Loma Lodge staff gives our guests the wake up call at 6 am, then a hearty breakfast is served by 6.30. Scrambled eggs, juice, fruit, sausages, bacon, cereal. We plan to depart La Loma Lodge at 7 am and drive to a field 40 minutes from the lodge. Some essentials at this time of year are sun glasses and shoulder pads. 

Our friends Richard, Jorge, Chris and Edward have been waiting for this trip for a long while. One of them had the chance to come to Argentina like 30 years ago and now is so excited to be back!

In Texas they really ejoy wing shooting. They practice it every season, which starts in September. In Argentina, there is no season, or we can put it this way: the season is all year round. Yes! The birds are so good all throughout the calendar, so our guests can choose to come at whatever date is more convenient for them. Something else our guests usually find amazing about Argentina besides the season is that there’s no bird limit as opposed to their countries where depending on the region the limit is usually about 15 birds. After having said all this, imagine the rush of adrenaline in your body when you see thousands of doves flying over your head and there’s no limit of shells or birds. 

When we get to the field we see the birds have already started leaving their roosts and all our field staff is already waiting for our guests. They prefer to use Benelli Montefeltros Cal 20 with chockes number 4. We have specially chosen this kind of open chocke because the birds today are flying low and slowly. 

Each field assistant starts walking towards their hunting spots with their guests. The spots have been carefully selected to provide good shooting angles and comfort for spending a full day outdoors. 

At this time of year, we have different fields in La Para area, a place full of milo fields and dairy farms. We alsofrequently visit and area called Jesus Maria where fields of corn, wheat and soy surround a quite wide river. 

At about 12.30 we receive the call for lunch. Our chef has prepared a delicious asado cooked by the fire of local wood, which gives the meat a unique, smoky flavor. The bbq, what we call asado, features different cuts like ribs, flanks, loin, sausages and also Malbec wine. During lunchtime, we talk about the numbers they been shooting. They are really good! They are astonished with the amount of birds leaving their roost. It’s quite a moment to watch. 

At lunch time we also offer our guests our massage service to alleviate sore muscles. Professional massage therapist do 45 minute sessions of massage. Also we offer our guests comfortable hammocks to relax or sleep a few minutes after lunch. 

At about 3.45 pm we see the first flights. Birds start returning to their roosts, they are flying against the wind so the birds are slower. This announces that we have quite a good afternoon ahead of us. 

The following day, our guests decide they want to hunt in the morning and go on a city tour in the afternoon. Cici from the Travel and Leisure department organizes everything for them and our hostess Victoria is waiting for them in the city. They do some shopping, suveniers for family and friends are a must. And then, a delicious meal at a barbeque place before leaving Cordoba. Many non hunting activities can be planned from our Travel and Leisure department to allow our guests to make the most of their visit to Cordoba.

You should be the next one!

Martin Andrada

Head Guide

Pointer Outfitters

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