Adventure Time

When our guests come at midday, we like to take them straigh to the field to join the fun as soon as posible. So we welcomed Jorday, Justin, Gerald and Robert at the airport. One of our drivers was waiting for them and our hunting guide was also waiting for them at the field.

Everything ready to kick off. Guns, shells, lunch, drinks, snacks, hammocks. All the comfort imaginable in the field. So they got to the field, got changed into the hunting hear and started the fun, which lasted up to 6pm. After that, we droven them to their chosen accommodation, Plaza Real Lodge. Plaza Real is one of the best options for dove hunting in Argentina. It is located in the province of Cordoba, in the center of Argentina, 50 miles (100 km) north of Cordoba’s International Airport. The driving time from the airport to the lodge is one hour. Smack dab in the middle of the main capital of dove hunting in South America.

There are direct daily flights from the U.S. to Santiago’s airport in Chile, with connecting flights to Cordoba city. Those connections will allow you to shoot at midday upon your arrival. This option offers the best logistics for dove hunting in Argentina.

The following day, our guests decided to have a rest in the morning instead of hunting. We picked them up at 11 am from Plaza Real Lodge to take them to the hunting area, located in the eastern area of the country. The place is called La Para. When we got there we had lunch. A delicious asado, our star meal in the field. Asados are typical in our country and we take great pride in cooking delicious ones for our guests. The meat is nice and tender and is cooked to the fire of wood from the area. We cook it in the field. Doves are usually featured in the lunch, too. It can be dove taco, skewers or delicious stir fry with onions and bell peppers. Malbec wine is, of course, a must! After that short naps by the shade of local trees can be enjoyed. That day they hunted up to 6.30 pm. The hunting was awesome. Our guests enjoyed a great volume of birds. Everything was a success.

From our Travel and Leisure department we organize non-hunting activities for guests who want to experience something different for one day during the hunting trip. In this case, our guests decided to go horseback riding to the beaituful highlands of Cordoba province. The area is called Ongamira, and along the ride our guests enjoy the magnific scenery, which depending on the trail, may include waterfalls, native animals, and different geographic features. This activity also includes a delicious lunch and afternoon snack in the Ongamira resort.

For the last day, only three of our guests decided to hunt. One of them had another non-hunting activity organized by our Travel and Leisure department. He was going to play golf in the best golf course of the area. He was driven to Estancia La Paz Golf Club, a luxurious estancia with magnificent surroundings, and the rest of the team went hunting to the same area as the day before, La Para, but different field. Both the morning hunt and the afternoon hunt were amazing. Our guests enjoyed a great volume of birds, which could be seen in Jordan’s results: he made it to the 1000 doves club! He got his 1000 doves shirt to show off. They enjoyed the last day in Plaza Real Lodge, relaxing by the firepit and the next day we drove them to the airport. We hope to see them around soon!

You should be the next one!

Federico Silva

Hunting Guide

Pointer Outfitters

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