This Trip will Blow your Mind

We welcomed David and Daniel on the 6th of March. We met them at the airport and we went straight to La Loma Lodge so that our guests could get into their hunting gear and be ready to hit the fields. The assistants and the chef were waiting for us to enjoy the amazing day we had ahead.

So we got to the field and enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by Francisco, our cheff. It featured doves, the well famed Argentinian beef and Malbec wine.  Daniel and David couldn’t believe their eyes. The amount of birds flying over their heads was simply unbelievable. By the end of the day, they were still astounded by the birds. They couldn’t believe the numbers they had shot down. They told us that it would have been impossible for them to shoot that amount in their country, not even during their entire life span! Sounds very exciting, right? And this was just the beginning...

We made our way back to the La Loma Lodge. Some rain started falling and our guests were ready to relax at the Lodge. La Loma lodge was waiting for them with its traditional excellent service. Drinks and snacks ready as soon as they get out of the car, more snacks to enjoy before or after shower, just to get ready for more delicious food at dinner time!

La Loma lodge is a beautiful place any time of year. This traditional Estancia was built in 1908 by one of the wealthiest families in Argentina. The lodge is located about one hour north of Cordoba International Airport in the town of Totoral. Situated next to the biggest dove roost in Argentina, the rides to the fields are a convenient 10 to 40 minutes. The armosphere after you drive past the main gate changes completely. It invites you to relax, enjoy the views, the warmth of the sunset and comment on the great shooting you had during the day. 

The next day we took our guests to La Para, a town where we have one of our fields with the most impressive volume of birds. The day had started bright and sunny and this conditions lasted for the entire time we spent in the field. The shooting was excellent that day, too. Our friend Daniel almost made it to the 1000 doves club! He was only 64 birds short of making it. So the challenge was set for the days to come. He had to get the 1000 doves mark. David was glad with his hunting experience. He was enjoying it more and more by the hour. He had really good communication with his field assistant Emanuel. They were all smiles! By the end of the day Daniel and David gave their guns to their field assistants and decided to sit back and enjoy the show while having an ice cold beer.

In the third day we decided to visit the same field again. Daniel had a challenge, making it to the 1000 doves club and winning his well-earned T-shirt. David had set his plan for the day, too. He wanted to exceed the number from the day before. The weather had different plans, though. Rain made the morning a bit complicated. But this didn’t stop David and Daniel from shooting as many birds as they could. The afternoon brought better weather conditions and Daniel got what he wanted! Tiredness did not get in his way and he got his spot in the 1000 doves club. When we got to the hotel, we gave him his Tshirt to show off among his friends, back at home.

The reception at La Loma lodge was, again, very pleasant. After a day of intense shooting our guest can enjoy massages to relax their muscles for the next hunting session. There’s also a fire pit with comfortable seats that offers unique views of the starry night sky, typical of small towns where artificial lights do not block the beauty of the stars.

The last day started on a different note. Our friends David and Daniel were relaxed, they had already achieved their hunting goals so the plan for the day was just that, to chill and enjoy the experience. They also wanted to have fun with their field assistants and savor the last lunch in the field. Lunch in the field is usually the most exciting non hunting activity of the day. It offers a unique combination of varied meet cuts, the delicious aroma of a good wine, the texture of chimichurri, and the rest of a warm siesta in hammocks by the shade of the trees. David and Daniel told us it was a pleasure to hunt the Argentinian dove. After the farewell to the field assistants, cheff and field staff we made our way back to the lodge. 

The next morning we drove our guests to the city of Cordoba where the airport is located but before that David and Daniel had asked the Travel and Leisure department from our company to plan a nice visit round the city. We took them to the airport, we said adios and hasta luego! We really hope to see them again!

You should be the next one!

Federico Gervasoni


Pointer Outfitters

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