Giving back - Social Program

During five years, I have been working on social program’s task and labours of a well-known company in Cordoba. From 2013, I have joined Pointer Wingshooting, and together we made the decision of doing a similar program; which through our contacts and social relationships, we could bring closer tools for the inclusion of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in society.

We realize that there were many ways to cooperate, and we decided that our way of helping would be training and raising awareness in the future generations. With this idea in mind, we thought that the most important thing would be to start with our closest society, and therefore, we are willing to help kids in schools close to the shooting fields. We are looking for tools so that when they grow and finish their primary studies, they could insert into society studying some course or degree and thus, get a job later.

We find out that only 15% of the kids that study in rural schools in the northern Cordoba continue their studies and achieve stabled jobs in adolescence. We intend to help these schools, especially girls and boys with intentions of continuing their preparation.

As a primary goal, we have set search for resources and a sponsor/guardian for each child. 

The first step was to approach to the schools of the area to start this path and draw some common goals. We have already found people who want to join the project. In this first writing, we want to share our dream with all the people from our staff and with each of our clients, so that if it is their wish, they can join us and help a little bit.

In this writing, you can see some pictures of our last visit to one of the schools in the area we are working, known as “Ceferino Namuncura”. Adriana, teacher and representative of the institution, received us with great cordiality. In this journey, we were joined by Martin (head guide Cordoba), Cindy (marketing and communication), Carlos “Gallo” (logistic and scout Cordoba) and “Chelo” (video and photo).

Our first goal is to contribute in the construction of the floor of the gym of the school and get a dozen sponsors who want to accompany the growing of 12 children when they finish their primary studies and have to move to the city to attend high school.

On the next months we are going to report all the progress we have been doing. If you want to stay in touch with this project, please contact us through this link. We are offering a free trip to those who collaborate with our social program. JOIN US!


Pablo Aguiló


Pointer Winshooting

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